What's new
1st Annual Canadian Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Homicides
London, ON
June 14-16, 2009
Click here for more info
Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence Against a Mother Shapes Children as they Grow (2007)
by Alison Cunningham & Linda Baker
A resource developed by the Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System, which addresses what children might feel, think and do during violent incidents against their mothers, roles they might adopt, strategies of coping and survival, 10 ways children can be changed by living with violence, potential effects of coercive control tactics on a mother, why spanking gives the wrong messages to children, and how violence may be experienced by children from infancy to adolescence. It has the latest research and up-to-date statistics.
The Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP) Web page
Located at The Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus
Emergency Department
1053 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9
Telephone: 613-738-3762, TTY: 613-738-8544
24-hour emergency service in English and French, 365 days a year
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